Re: UnixWare

Marc W. Mengel (
Fri, 29 Apr 94 11:30:22 -0600

In <>  you write:
  Scott Schwartz writes:
  >| needlessly running with root privileges (like sendmail).
  >You think pipes in .forward files should be disallowed, then?
What you want is a mechanism by which you can register a program that
can be run to deliver/handle your mail.  I think pipes in .forward files
is a particularly lousy way to do that, since it requiere the mailer 
to run as root :-).

What you can do is have a registry program that you would run to register
your mail handling program, the registry program would create an executable
setuid to you, in a directory accessable only by the mailer, that would run
your mail handler.  Thus your mail handler runs as you, the mailer runs
as the mailer, and nobody needs to be root.  i.e:

	/mailer-dir/register		-rwxrwsr-x	mailid.mailgroup
	/mailer-dir/handlers		drwxrwx--- 	mailid.mailgroup
	/mailer-dir/handlers/you	-r-sr-xr-x	yourid.mailgroup
